IT vendors are faced with many challenges in identifying, qualifying, and potentially, on-boarding new channel partners. This becomes an ongoing effort, not only in Partner Management, but providing the sales and marketing enablement tools that can help ensure the best chance of sales success. Ongoing channel education programs on solutions, products, and consistent messaging are critical factors to building a successful partner relationship.

Since 1990, Winn has demonstrated extensive experience supporting VAR and Channel marketing initiatives, including:

7 Steps to Effective B2B Channel Marketing! Download for FREE!
  • Partner recruitment and development;
  • Providing a Demand Center infrastructure;
  • Campaign support, design and execution;
  • Cooperative lead management, programs; and
  • Partner lead nurturing and cultivation.

Channel Partner Recruitment: How do we do it?

We understand the Channel and what drives them.

The first, and often most critical step in channel recruitment, is to identify the optimal channel partner profile. Winn can work with you to analyze your market, model, and solutions to help define that profile. From there, we can undertake the research necessary to build a target company and contact database. We can even get this started with a search of Winn's proprietary Channel database.

Just like you, Resellers are always interested in growing their revenues. Winn will contact them for you with a compelling proposition that will earn them valuable new revenue streams and expand their solution offerings - ultimately growing their business, and yours!

Not only will Winn look to recruit new partners to your team, but through a multi-faceted approach, we will confirm each prospective partner's match by gathering key Business Intelligence, qualify their level of interest, and attempt to setup an opportunity or appointment for more detailed discussions about the partnership opportunities with you.

We've worked with more than a few recognizable names in the technology sector to do just this, including:

  • Arrow ECS
  • Sage
  • HP
  • Onstream
  • VMware
  • Attunity
  • Exabyte (Tanberg)
  • StorageTek
  • Palm
  • Verneier Networks
  • Motient
  • Apple Computer
  • Siemens
  • Stratus Technology
  • Information Management Research
  • Extreme Networks
  • Cisco


Channel Partner Marketing Programs

Can there really be the proverbial and successful "Campaign-in-a-Box?" Absolutely! We've proven it over and over again for our clients.

How can Channel marketing programs be designed to minimize ramp up time, keep costs down, maintain branding and consistency, and of course, drive the most effective results?

There's no need to start at the beginning every time! Winn can work with you and your Channel to design and execute consistent programs of:

  • Lead Generation,
  • Lead Qualification,
  • Lead Nurturing and Cultivation,
  • Event Marketing, and
  • Inbound Marketing.

Winn Technology Group's integrated, comprehensive Demand Center approach provides the basis for developing and delivering highly successful Channel marketing campaigns, gathering critical business intelligence, and centralizing control, communications, distribution, analysis, and management of lead and sale opportunities. While incorporating industry best practices and methodologies, Winn's flexibility can easily accommodate the specific needs of any organization. We have proven the success of our methodology and execution for both Direct and Indirect models, bringing a streamlined approach to effective Channel Marketing programs.

Designed to integrate the critical components of successful marketing programs, Data, Processes, Marketing Automation, Inbound Marketing, Social Media, and most importantly, the Live Touch, Winn focuses on a framework of consistent, yet flexible Demand Generation campaigns, that incorporate best and innovative practices to help ensure successful programs and relationship development. Our online client portal can also help you manage lead distribution, tracking and feedback.

Integrating these capabilities into our client campaigns has not only provided outstanding results, ultimately driving sales opportunities and increasing market share for our clients, but has helped in raising the marketing capabilities and awareness of Channel partners.

What If I Have A Project In Mind?

If you have a project in mind you can schedule a time to talk to a Winn Technology Group team member! We do a wide variety of work to help reach your business growth goals.

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